July Band Practices

It’s Tuesday again. Every Tuesday used to be band practice for my boyfriend’s band. I’d get off work, head to the pub for a pint, pick up a few members of the band, pick up a twelve pack, and then head off to practice. 

It didn’t matter if you had the hardest work day of your life or if you just got into a huge fight with your girlfriend, band practice was holy ground. You might have an issue with a fellow member but the music was priority and the band was family. 

Unfortunately, the band is no longer together and Tuesdays just aren’t the same.

Music and laughs; Tuesdays were always my favorite day of the week because I wasn’t just hanging out with friends, these people were and are family.

Although the band might be gone, the close relationship we have with each other is still there.


Band practices weren’t always just attended by the band, family members, neighbors, band members’ children, and friends were always welcome.





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