Oh What a Day…What a Lovely Day for a 5K

No, I am not a runner and I am probably the worst morning person you will ever meet so naturally I don’t attend many 5ks. With that said, there is one 5k I am happy to have supported the past 4 years that is run by a local vision clinic. Every year this clinic hosts a 5k in which all the proceeds go to an amazing organization called Optometry Giving Sight. Optometry Giving Sight helps to train eyecare professionals, establish vision centers in areas that desperately needs it, and deliver low-cost vision exams and eyeglasses. I’ve worn glasses and contacts all my life and I couldn’t imagine living without them. As a photographer, my eyesight is vital and without glasses I am blind. I can’t imagine life without my vision being corrected and I feel blesses to live someplace where I can have my vision checked, my prescription updated and my eye health evaluated.

So just like last year, and the year before…and the year before I woke up at the crack of dawn and made my way to the 5k to take photos. As stated before, I am just a terrible morning person. My boyfriend fears talking to me for the first 30 minutes I’m awake every morning. With that said, you can probably image my reaction when I arrived, again at the BUTT CRACK OF DAWN, at the clinic and saw that there was no coffee made. I can only describe it as my “HOLY CRAP DID JON SNOW JUST DIE”-esque reaction and it was epic. After brewing a tasty cup of mud, I helped fill coolers with Powerade, and then proceeded to take photos.

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